Apple New Store Openings

Apple Retail is more than a concept, more than a store. During my 11 years with Apple I learned how emotive good design can be. And how critical emotional investment is to successful project management with premium brands and products.

Apple New Store Openings
Apple Store - Regent Street (that's me on the far right.. with the flat cap)

Apple stores were never really designed to sell as much as to educate.
From design to conception, I worked with the global teams to stand up Apple retail stores across the world.

Taking an existing, sucessful operation to new countries or territories is by no means cookie cutter. We would typically begin with design, ensuring the current "standard" was achievable in the location and was sympathetic to the environment physically, ethically and in some cases politically.

Identifying cultural and societal norms in tandem with localised labour law we would then tweak design appropriately. Whether it's the works councils in Germany and France or the political leaders in the UAE or provincial China there is always more than jsut the physical space to conisder.

A take on how Apple builds it's stores

Full list of projects.

Aberdeen, Belfast, Edinburgh, Bluewater, Glasgow, Braehead, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, London (Bentall, Stratford, Regent Street, Covent Garden, Selfridges), Cardiff, Bath, Sheffield, Manchester (Trafford, Arndale), Gateshead, Newcastle, Exeter, Southampton, Birmingham, Leeds


Beijing, Henan, Shanghai (Wujiaochang, IAPM), Nanning, Chengdu, Fujian, Tianjin, Dalian, Guangzhou, Jinan, Qingdao, Hangzhou

Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Lille, Paris

Sindelfingen, Hamburg, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Oberhausen, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Hanover, Dresden

Hong Kong:
Sha Tin, Canton Road


Venice, Bologna, Bergamo

Den Haag, Haarlem


Helsingborg, Täby Centrum
Basel, Geneva, Zurich
Zorlu, Akasya

Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Michigan, Virginia, New York